Jolt Physics
A multi core friendly Game Physics Engine
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAABBTreeBuilderHelper class to build an AABB tree
 CAABBTreeToBuffer< TriangleCodec, NodeCodec >Conversion algorithm that converts an AABB tree to an optimized binary buffer
 CAABoxAxis aligned box
 CAABoxCastStructure that holds AABox moving linearly through 3d space
 CAddConvexRadius< ConvexObject >Structure that adds a convex radius
 CQuadTree::AddStateTemporary data structure to pass information between AddBodiesPrepare and AddBodiesFinalize/Abort
 CSkeletalAnimation::AnimatedJointContains the animation for a single joint
 CRTTI::BaseClassBase class information
 CFixedSizeFreeList< Object >::BatchA batch of objects that can be destructed
 CBodyCreationSettingsSettings for constructing a rigid body
 CBodyIDID of a body. This is a way of reasoning about bodies in a multithreaded simulation while avoiding race conditions
 CBodyPairStructure that holds a body pair
 CBodyManager::BodyStatsHelper struct that counts the number of bodies of each type
 CBroadPhaseCastResultStructure that holds a ray cast or other object cast hit
 CCastConvexVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that casts a convex object vs one or more triangles
 CCastSphereVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that casts a sphere vs one or more triangles
 CPhysicsUpdateContext::SubStep::CCDBodyContains the information needed to cast a body through the scene to do continuous collision detection
 CSkeletonMapper::ChainA joint chain that starts with a 1-on-1 mapped joint and ends with a 1-on-1 mapped joint with intermediate joints that cannot be mapped
 CCharacterContactListenerThis class receives callbacks when a virtual character hits something
 CCharacterContactSettingsThis class contains settings that allow you to override the behavior of a character's collision response
 CCollideConvexVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that collides a convex object vs one or more triangles
 CCollidePointResultStructure that holds the result of colliding a point against a shape
 CCollideSettingsBaseSettings to be passed with a collision query
 CCollideShapeResultClass that contains all information of two colliding shapes
 CCollideSphereVsTrianglesCollision detection helper that collides a sphere vs one or more triangles
 CCollisionCollector< ResultTypeArg, TraitsType >Virtual interface that allows collecting multiple collision results
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastRayTraits to use for CastRay
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCastShapeTraits to use for CastShape
 CCollisionCollectorTraitsCollideShapeTraits to use for CollideShape
 CCollisionDispatchDispatch function, main function to handle collisions between shapes
 CCollisionEstimationResultA structure that contains the estimated contact and friction impulses and the resulting body velocities
 CColorClass that holds an RGBA color with 8-bits per component
 CPhysicsScene::ConnectedConstraintA constraint and how it is connected to the bodies in the scene
 CContactManifoldManifold class, describes the contact surface between two bodies
 CDebugRendererSimple triangle renderer for debugging purposes
 CDebugRendererPlaybackClass that can read a recorded stream from DebugRendererRecorder and plays it back trough a DebugRenderer
 CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat< Alignment >::DecodingContextThis class decodes and decompresses quad tree nodes
 CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::DecodingContextThis class is used to decode and decompress triangle data packed by the EncodingContext
 CDMat44Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats with the last column consisting of doubles
 CDouble3Class that holds 3 doubles. Used as a storage class. Convert to DVec3 for calculations
 CBodyManager::DrawSettingsDraw settings
 CSkeletonPose::DrawSettingsDraw settings
 CDynMatrixDynamic resizable matrix class
 CEPAConvexHullBuilder::EdgeClass that holds the information of an edge
 CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat< Alignment >::EncodingContextThis class encodes and compresses quad tree nodes
 CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::EncodingContextThis class is used to encode and compress triangle data into a byte buffer
 CCharacterVirtual::ExtendedUpdateSettingsSettings struct with settings for ExtendedUpdate
 CFactoryFactory, to create RTTI objects
 CFloat2Class that holds 2 floats, used as a storage class mainly
 CFloat3Class that holds 3 floats. Used as a storage class. Convert to Vec3 for calculations
 CFloat4Class that holds 4 float values. Convert to Vec4 to perform calculations
 CFPExceptionsEnableDummy implementations
 CDebugRendererRecorder::FrameAll information for a single frame
 CDebugRendererRecorder::GeometryBlobHolds a single geometry draw call
 CCompoundShape::GetIntersectingSubShapesVisitor< BoxType >
 CShape::GetTrianglesContextAn opaque buffer that holds shape specific information during GetTrianglesStart/Next
 CGetTrianglesContextMultiVertexListImplementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a multiple fixed lists of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles
 CGetTrianglesContextVertexListImplementation of GetTrianglesStart/Next that uses a fixed list of vertices for the triangles. These are transformed into world space when getting the triangles
 Cstd::hash< JPH::Ref< T > >Declare std::hash for Ref
 Cstd::hash< JPH::RefConst< T > >Declare std::hash for RefConst
 Cstd::hash< JPH::StaticArray< T, N > >Declare std::hash for StaticArray
 Cstd::hash< JPH::String >Declare std::hash for String, for some reason on Linux based platforms template deduction takes the wrong variant
 Cstd::hash< JPH::SubShapeIDPair >Declare std::hash for SubShapeIDPair, note that std::hash is platform dependent and we need this one to be consistent because we sort on it in the ContactConstraintManager
 CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat< Alignment >::HeaderHeader for the tree
 CIndexedTriangleNoMaterialTriangle with 32-bit indices
 CLockFreeHashMap< Key, Value >::IteratorNon-const iterator
 CJobSystem::JobA class that contains information for a single unit of work
 CSkeleton::JointDeclare internal structure for a joint
 CSkeletalAnimation::JointStateConstains the current state of a joint, a local space transformation relative to its parent joint
 CLockFreeHashMap< Key, Value >::KeyValueA key / value pair that is inserted in the map
 CDebugRendererRecorder::LineBlobHolds a single line segment
 CSkeletonMapper::LockedJoints that should have their translation locked (fixed)
 CDebugRenderer::LODA single level of detail
 CSkeletonMapper::MappingA joint that maps 1-on-1 to a joint in the other skeleton
 CMassPropertiesDescribes the mass and inertia properties of a body. Used during body construction only
 CMat44Holds a 4x4 matrix of floats, but supports also operations on the 3x3 upper left part of the matrix
 CMatrix< Rows, Cols >Templatized matrix class
 CMatrix< 2, 2 >
 CMinkowskiDifference< ConvexObjectA, ConvexObjectB >Structure that performs a Minkowski difference A - B
 CMotionPropertiesThe Body class only keeps track of state for static bodies, the MotionProperties class keeps the additional state needed for a moving Body. It has a 1-on-1 relationship with the body
 CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat< Alignment >::NodeNode structure
 CNodeCodecQuadTreeHalfFloat< Alignment >
 CNonCopyableClass that makes another class non-copyable. Usage: Inherit from NonCopyable
 CObjectStreamBase class for object stream input and output streams
 COrientedBoxOriented box
 CPhysicsStepListenerA listener class that receives a callback before every physics simulation step
 CPlaneAn infinite plane described by the formula X . Normal + Constant = 0
 CLinearCurve::PointA point on the curve
 CPolyhedronSubmergedVolumeCalculator::PointA helper class that contains cached information about a polyhedron vertex
 CPointConvexSupportClass that wraps a point so that it can be used with convex collision detection
 CPolygonConvexSupport< VERTEX_ARRAY >Class that wraps a polygon so that it can used with convex collision detection
 CTriangleSplitter::RangeHelper struct to indicate triangle range before and after the split
 CRayCastSettingsSettings to be passed with a ray cast
 CRayCastT< Vec, Mat, RayCastType >Structure that holds a single ray cast
 CRayCastT< RVec3, RMat44, RRayCast >
 CRayCastT< Vec3, Mat44, RayCast >
 CRayInvDirectionHelper structure holding the reciprocal of a ray for Ray vs AABox testing
 CSTLAlignedAllocator< T, N >::rebind< T2 >Converting to allocator for other type
 CSTLAllocator< T >::rebind< T2 >Converting to allocator for other type
 CSTLTempAllocator< T >::rebind< T2 >Converting to allocator for other type
 CRef< T >
 CRef< Geometry >
 CRef< Job >
 CRef< RefTargetVirtual >
 CRef< Shape >
 CRef< Skeleton >
 CRef< TwoBodyConstraintSettings >
 CRef< VehicleControllerSettings >
 CRefConst< T >
 CRefConst< Constraint >
 CRefConst< GroupFilter >
 CRefConst< PathConstraintPath >
 CRefConst< PhysicsMaterial >
 CRefConst< RagdollSettings >
 CRefConst< Shape >
 CRefConst< ShapeSettings >
 CRefConst< Skeleton >
 CRefConst< TwoBodyConstraintSettings >
 CRefConst< VehicleCollisionTester >
 CRefConst< WheelSettings >
 CRefTarget< T >
 CRefTarget< CharacterBase >
 CRefTarget< CharacterBaseSettings >
 CRefTarget< Constraint >
 CRefTarget< ConstraintSettings >
 CRefTarget< Geometry >
 CRefTarget< GroupFilter >
 CRefTarget< PathConstraintPath >
 CRefTarget< PhysicsMaterial >
 CRefTarget< PhysicsScene >
 CRefTarget< Ragdoll >
 CRefTarget< RagdollSettings >
 CRefTarget< Shape >
 CRefTarget< ShapeSettings >
 CRefTarget< SkeletalAnimation >
 CRefTarget< Skeleton >
 CRefTarget< SkeletonMapper >
 CRefTarget< VehicleCollisionTester >
 CRefTarget< VehicleController >
 CRefTarget< VehicleControllerSettings >
 CRefTarget< WheelSettings >
 CRefTargetVirtualPure virtual version of RefTarget
 CResult< Type >Helper class that either contains a valid result or an error
 CResult< Ref< Shape > >
 CSerializableAttributeAttributes are members of classes that need to be serialized
 CShapeCastT< Vec, Mat, ShapeCastType >Structure that holds a single shape cast (a shape moving along a linear path in 3d space with no rotation)
 CShapeCastT< RVec3, RMat44, RShapeCast >
 CShapeCastT< Vec3, Mat44, ShapeCast >
 CShapeFunctionsFunction table for functions on shapes
 CSkeletonPoseInstance of a skeleton, contains the pose the current skeleton is in
 CLargeIslandSplitter::SplitDescribes a split of constraints and contacts
 CLargeIslandSplitter::SplitsStructure that describes the resulting splits from the large island splitter
 CSpringPartClass used in other constraint parts to calculate the required bias factor in the lagrange multiplier for creating springs
 CStaticArray< T, N >Simple variable length array backed by a fixed size buffer
 CStaticArray< BodyPairQueue, cMaxConcurrency >
 CStaticArray< Impulse, ContactPoints::Capacity >
 CStaticArray< JobHandle, cMaxConcurrency >
 CStaticArray< Part, 3 >
 CStaticArray< RTTI::BaseClass, 4 >
 CStaticArray< SerializableAttribute, 32 >
 CStaticArray< SubStep, cMaxSubSteps >
 CStaticArray< Vec3, 32 >
 CStaticArray< Vec3, 64 >
 CStaticArray< Vec3, cMaxPointsInHull >
 CStaticArray< WorldContactPoint, MaxContactPoints >
 CShape::StatsClass that holds information about the shape that can be used for logging / data collection purposes
 CPhysicsUpdateContext::StepStructure that contains data needed for each collision step
 CSTLAlignedAllocator< T, N >STL allocator that takes care that memory is aligned to N bytes
 CSTLAllocator< T >STL allocator that forwards to our allocation functions
 CSTLTempAllocator< T >STL allocator that wraps around TempAllocator
 CStaticArray< T, N >::Storage
 CStreamInSimple binary input stream
 CStreamOutSimple binary output stream
 CSubShapeIDA sub shape id contains a path to an element (usually a triangle or other primitive type) of a compound shape
 CSubShapeIDPairA pair of bodies and their sub shape ID's. Can be used as a key in a map to find a contact point
 CPhysicsUpdateContext::SubStepStructure that contains job handles for each integration sub step
 CConvexShape::SupportFunction that provides an interface for GJK
 CConvexShape::SupportBufferBuffer to hold a Support object, used to avoid dynamic memory allocations
 CDebugRendererRecorder::TextBlobHolds a single text entry
 CQuadTree::TrackingData to track location of a Body in the tree
 CTransformedConvexObject< ConvexObject >
 CDebugRenderer::TriangleA single triangle
 CTriangleA simple triangle and its material
 CDebugRendererRecorder::TriangleBlobHolds a single triangle
 CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::TriangleBlockA block of 4 triangles
 CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::TriangleBlockHeaderA triangle header, will be followed by one or more TriangleBlocks
 CTriangleConvexSupportClass that wraps a triangle so that it can used with convex collision detection
 CTriangleGrouperA class that groups triangles in batches of N (according to closeness)
 CTriangleSplitterA class that splits a triangle list into two parts for building a tree
 CSkeletonMapper::UnmappedJoints that could not be mapped from skeleton 1 to 2
 CBroadPhase::UpdateStateContext used during broadphase update
 CVector< Rows >Templatized vector class
 CVector< 2 >
 CVehicleEngineSettingsGeneric properties for a vehicle engine
 CVehicleTrackSettingsGeneric properties for tank tracks
 CVehicleTransmissionSettingsConfiguration for the transmission of a vehicle (gear box)
 CDebugRenderer::VertexVertex format used by the triangle renderer
 CTriangleCodecIndexed8BitPackSOA4Flags::VertexDataA single packed vertex
 CWheelBase class for runtime data for a wheel, each VehicleController can implement a derived class of this