| SoftBodyWithMotionPropertiesAndShape () |
Public Member Functions inherited from Body |
JPH_OVERRIDE_NEW_DELETE | Body ()=default |
| Default constructor.
| ~Body () |
| Destructor.
const BodyID & | GetID () const |
| Get the id of this body.
EBodyType | GetBodyType () const |
| Get the type of body (rigid or soft)
bool | IsRigidBody () const |
| Check if this body is a rigid body.
bool | IsSoftBody () const |
| Check if this body is a soft body.
bool | IsActive () const |
| If this body is currently actively simulating (true) or sleeping (false)
bool | IsStatic () const |
| Check if this body is static (not movable)
bool | IsKinematic () const |
| Check if this body is kinematic (keyframed), which means that it will move according to its current velocity, but forces don't affect it.
bool | IsDynamic () const |
| Check if this body is dynamic, which means that it moves and forces can act on it.
bool | CanBeKinematicOrDynamic () const |
| Check if a body could be made kinematic or dynamic (if it was created dynamic or with mAllowDynamicOrKinematic set to true)
void | SetIsSensor (bool inIsSensor) |
bool | IsSensor () const |
| Check if this body is a sensor.
void | SetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic (bool inCollide) |
bool | GetCollideKinematicVsNonDynamic () const |
| Check if kinematic objects can generate contact points against other kinematic or static objects.
void | SetUseManifoldReduction (bool inUseReduction) |
bool | GetUseManifoldReduction () const |
| Check if this body can use manifold reduction.
bool | GetUseManifoldReductionWithBody (const Body &inBody2) const |
| Checks if the combination of this body and inBody2 should use manifold reduction.
void | SetApplyGyroscopicForce (bool inApply) |
| Set to indicate that the gyroscopic force should be applied to this body (aka Dzhanibekov effect, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis_racket_theorem)
bool | GetApplyGyroscopicForce () const |
| Check if the gyroscopic force is being applied for this body.
void | SetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval (bool inApply) |
| Set to indicate that extra effort should be made to try to remove ghost contacts (collisions with internal edges of a mesh). This is more expensive but makes bodies move smoother over a mesh with convex edges.
bool | GetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemoval () const |
| Check if enhanced internal edge removal is turned on.
bool | GetEnhancedInternalEdgeRemovalWithBody (const Body &inBody2) const |
| Checks if the combination of this body and inBody2 should use enhanced internal edge removal.
EMotionType | GetMotionType () const |
| Get the bodies motion type.
void | SetMotionType (EMotionType inMotionType) |
| Set the motion type of this body. Consider using BodyInterface::SetMotionType instead of this function if the body may be active or if it needs to be activated.
BroadPhaseLayer | GetBroadPhaseLayer () const |
| Get broadphase layer, this determines in which broad phase sub-tree the object is placed.
ObjectLayer | GetObjectLayer () const |
| Get object layer, this determines which other objects it collides with.
const CollisionGroup & | GetCollisionGroup () const |
| Collision group and sub-group ID, determines which other objects it collides with.
CollisionGroup & | GetCollisionGroup () |
void | SetCollisionGroup (const CollisionGroup &inGroup) |
bool | GetAllowSleeping () const |
| If this body can go to sleep. Note that disabling sleeping on a sleeping object will not wake it up.
void | SetAllowSleeping (bool inAllow) |
void | ResetSleepTimer () |
| Resets the sleep timer. This does not wake up the body if it is sleeping, but allows resetting the system that detects when a body is sleeping.
float | GetFriction () const |
| Friction (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = no friction, 1 = friction force equals force that presses the two bodies together). Note that bodies can have negative friction but the combined friction (see PhysicsSystem::SetCombineFriction) should never go below zero.
void | SetFriction (float inFriction) |
float | GetRestitution () const |
| Restitution (dimensionless number, usually between 0 and 1, 0 = completely inelastic collision response, 1 = completely elastic collision response). Note that bodies can have negative restitution but the combined restitution (see PhysicsSystem::SetCombineRestitution) should never go below zero.
void | SetRestitution (float inRestitution) |
Vec3 | GetLinearVelocity () const |
| Get world space linear velocity of the center of mass (unit: m/s)
void | SetLinearVelocity (Vec3Arg inLinearVelocity) |
| Set world space linear velocity of the center of mass (unit: m/s)
void | SetLinearVelocityClamped (Vec3Arg inLinearVelocity) |
| Set world space linear velocity of the center of mass, will make sure the value is clamped against the maximum linear velocity.
Vec3 | GetAngularVelocity () const |
| Get world space angular velocity of the center of mass (unit: rad/s)
void | SetAngularVelocity (Vec3Arg inAngularVelocity) |
| Set world space angular velocity of the center of mass (unit: rad/s)
void | SetAngularVelocityClamped (Vec3Arg inAngularVelocity) |
| Set world space angular velocity of the center of mass, will make sure the value is clamped against the maximum angular velocity.
Vec3 | GetPointVelocityCOM (Vec3Arg inPointRelativeToCOM) const |
| Velocity of point inPoint (in center of mass space, e.g. on the surface of the body) of the body (unit: m/s)
Vec3 | GetPointVelocity (RVec3Arg inPoint) const |
| Velocity of point inPoint (in world space, e.g. on the surface of the body) of the body (unit: m/s)
void | AddForce (Vec3Arg inForce) |
| Add force (unit: N) at center of mass for the next time step, will be reset after the next call to PhysicsSystem::Update.
void | AddForce (Vec3Arg inForce, RVec3Arg inPosition) |
| Add force (unit: N) at inPosition for the next time step, will be reset after the next call to PhysicsSystem::Update.
void | AddTorque (Vec3Arg inTorque) |
| Add torque (unit: N m) for the next time step, will be reset after the next call to PhysicsSystem::Update.
Vec3 | GetAccumulatedForce () const |
Vec3 | GetAccumulatedTorque () const |
JPH_INLINE void | ResetForce () |
JPH_INLINE void | ResetTorque () |
JPH_INLINE void | ResetMotion () |
Mat44 | GetInverseInertia () const |
| Get inverse inertia tensor in world space.
void | AddImpulse (Vec3Arg inImpulse) |
| Add impulse to center of mass (unit: kg m/s)
void | AddImpulse (Vec3Arg inImpulse, RVec3Arg inPosition) |
| Add impulse to point in world space (unit: kg m/s)
void | AddAngularImpulse (Vec3Arg inAngularImpulse) |
| Add angular impulse in world space (unit: N m s)
void | MoveKinematic (RVec3Arg inTargetPosition, QuatArg inTargetRotation, float inDeltaTime) |
| Set velocity of body such that it will be positioned at inTargetPosition/Rotation in inDeltaTime seconds.
bool | ApplyBuoyancyImpulse (RVec3Arg inSurfacePosition, Vec3Arg inSurfaceNormal, float inBuoyancy, float inLinearDrag, float inAngularDrag, Vec3Arg inFluidVelocity, Vec3Arg inGravity, float inDeltaTime) |
bool | IsInBroadPhase () const |
| Check if this body has been added to the physics system.
bool | IsCollisionCacheInvalid () const |
| Check if this body has been changed in such a way that the collision cache should be considered invalid for any body interacting with this body.
const Shape * | GetShape () const |
| Get the shape of this body.
RVec3 | GetPosition () const |
| World space position of the body.
Quat | GetRotation () const |
| World space rotation of the body.
RMat44 | GetWorldTransform () const |
| Calculates the transform of this body.
RVec3 | GetCenterOfMassPosition () const |
| Gets the world space position of this body's center of mass.
RMat44 | GetCenterOfMassTransform () const |
| Calculates the transform for this body's center of mass.
RMat44 | GetInverseCenterOfMassTransform () const |
| Calculates the inverse of the transform for this body's center of mass.
const AABox & | GetWorldSpaceBounds () const |
| Get world space bounding box.
const MotionProperties * | GetMotionProperties () const |
| Access to the motion properties.
MotionProperties * | GetMotionProperties () |
const MotionProperties * | GetMotionPropertiesUnchecked () const |
| Access to the motion properties (version that does not check if the object is kinematic or dynamic)
MotionProperties * | GetMotionPropertiesUnchecked () |
uint64 | GetUserData () const |
| Access to the user data, can be used for anything by the application.
void | SetUserData (uint64 inUserData) |
Vec3 | GetWorldSpaceSurfaceNormal (const SubShapeID &inSubShapeID, RVec3Arg inPosition) const |
| Get surface normal of a particular sub shape and its world space surface position on this body.
TransformedShape | GetTransformedShape () const |
| Get the transformed shape of this body, which can be used to do collision detection outside of a body lock.
BodyCreationSettings | GetBodyCreationSettings () const |
| Debug function to convert a body back to a body creation settings object to be able to save/recreate the body later.
SoftBodyCreationSettings | GetSoftBodyCreationSettings () const |
| Debug function to convert a soft body back to a soft body creation settings object to be able to save/recreate the body later.
void | AddPositionStep (Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime) |
| Update position using an Euler step (used during position integrate & constraint solving)
void | SubPositionStep (Vec3Arg inLinearVelocityTimesDeltaTime) |
void | AddRotationStep (Vec3Arg inAngularVelocityTimesDeltaTime) |
| Update rotation using an Euler step (using during position integrate & constraint solving)
void | SubRotationStep (Vec3Arg inAngularVelocityTimesDeltaTime) |
void | SetInBroadPhaseInternal (bool inInBroadPhase) |
| Flag if body is in the broadphase (should only be called by the BroadPhase)
bool | InvalidateContactCacheInternal () |
| Invalidate the contact cache (should only be called by the BodyManager), will be reset the next simulation step. Returns true if the contact cache was still valid.
void | ValidateContactCacheInternal () |
| Reset the collision cache invalid flag (should only be called by the BodyManager).
void | CalculateWorldSpaceBoundsInternal () |
| Updates world space bounding box (should only be called by the PhysicsSystem)
void | SetPositionAndRotationInternal (RVec3Arg inPosition, QuatArg inRotation, bool inResetSleepTimer=true) |
| Function to update body's position (should only be called by the BodyInterface since it also requires updating the broadphase)
void | UpdateCenterOfMassInternal (Vec3Arg inPreviousCenterOfMass, bool inUpdateMassProperties) |
void | SetShapeInternal (const Shape *inShape, bool inUpdateMassProperties) |
uint32 | GetIndexInActiveBodiesInternal () const |
| Access to the index in the BodyManager::mActiveBodies list.
ECanSleep | UpdateSleepStateInternal (float inDeltaTime, float inMaxMovement, float inTimeBeforeSleep) |
| Update eligibility for sleeping.
void | SaveState (StateRecorder &inStream) const |
| Saving state for replay.
void | RestoreState (StateRecorder &inStream) |
| Restoring state for replay.
| NonCopyable ()=default |
| NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete |
void | operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete |