19static constexpr float cCapsuleProjectionSlop = 0.02f;
unsigned int uint
Definition Core.h:439
Definition Core.h:367
Definition Core.h:361
constexpr T Square(T inV)
Square a value.
Definition Math.h:52
Macro to override the new and delete functions.
Definition Memory.h:29
constexpr int cMaxPhysicsJobs
Maximum amount of jobs to allow.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:22
JPH_NAMESPACE_BEGIN constexpr float cDefaultCollisionTolerance
If objects are closer than this distance, they are considered to be colliding (used for GJK) (unit: m...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:10
constexpr int cMaxPhysicsBarriers
Maximum amount of barriers to allow.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:25
constexpr float cDefaultPenetrationTolerance
A factor that determines the accuracy of the penetration depth calculation. If the change of the squa...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:13
constexpr float cDefaultConvexRadius
How much padding to add around objects.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:16
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:28
float mTimeBeforeSleep
Time before object is allowed to go to sleep (unit: seconds)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:87
uint mNumPositionSteps
Number of solver position iterations to run.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:81
float mMinVelocityForRestitution
Minimal velocity needed before a collision can be elastic (unit: m)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:84
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:33
bool mAllowSleeping
If objects can go to sleep or not.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:111
bool mUseBodyPairContactCache
Whether or not to use the body pair cache, which removes the need for narrow phase collision detectio...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:102
int mStepListenersBatchSize
How many PhysicsStepListeners to notify in 1 batch.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:36
uint mNumVelocitySteps
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:78
float mContactPointPreserveLambdaMaxDistSq
Maximum allowed distance between old and new contact point to preserve contact forces for warm start ...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:74
float mBodyPairCacheMaxDeltaPositionSq
Maximum relative delta position for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last frame ...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:65
float mMaxPenetrationDistance
Maximum distance to correct in a single iteration when solving position constraints (unit: meters)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:62
float mPenetrationSlop
How much bodies are allowed to sink into each other (unit: meters)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:50
float mSpeculativeContactDistance
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:47
float mLinearCastMaxPenetration
Fraction of its inner radius a body may penetrate another body for the LinearCast motion quality.
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:56
float mPointVelocitySleepThreshold
Velocity of points on bounding box of object below which an object can be considered sleeping (unit: ...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:90
float mLinearCastThreshold
Fraction of its inner radius a body must move per step to enable casting for the LinearCast motion qu...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:53
float mBodyPairCacheCosMaxDeltaRotationDiv2
Maximum relative delta orientation for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last fra...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:68
bool mUseLargeIslandSplitter
If we split up large islands into smaller parallel batches of work (to improve performance)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:108
bool mConstraintWarmStart
Whether or not to use warm starting for constraints (initially applying previous frames impulses)
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:99
bool mCheckActiveEdges
When false, we prevent collision against non-active (shared) edges. Mainly for debugging the algorith...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:114
float mManifoldToleranceSq
Max squared distance to use to determine if two points are on the same plane for determining the cont...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:59
float mBaumgarte
Baumgarte stabilization factor (how much of the position error to 'fix' in 1 update) (unit: dimension...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:42
bool mDeterministicSimulation
By default the simulation is deterministic, it is possible to turn this off by setting this setting t...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:93
float mContactNormalCosMaxDeltaRotation
Maximum angle between normals that allows manifolds between different sub shapes of the same body pai...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:71
bool mUseManifoldReduction
Whether or not to reduce manifolds with similar contact normals into one contact manifold (see descri...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:105
int mStepListenerBatchesPerJob
How many step listener batches are needed before spawning another job (set to INT_MAX if no paralleli...
Definition PhysicsSettings.h:39