JPH_INLINE void *operator new (size_t inCount) { return JPH::Allocate(inCount); } \
JPH_INLINE void operator delete (void *inPointer) noexcept { JPH::Free(inPointer); } \
JPH_INLINE void *operator new[] (size_t inCount) { return JPH::Allocate(inCount); } \
JPH_INLINE void operator delete[] (void *inPointer) noexcept { JPH::Free(inPointer); } \
JPH_INLINE void *operator new (size_t inCount, std::align_val_t inAlignment) { return JPH::AlignedAllocate(inCount, static_cast<size_t>(inAlignment)); } \
JPH_INLINE void operator delete (void *inPointer, std::align_val_t inAlignment) noexcept { JPH::AlignedFree(inPointer); } \
JPH_INLINE void *operator new[] (size_t inCount, std::align_val_t inAlignment) { return JPH::AlignedAllocate(inCount, static_cast<size_t>(inAlignment)); } \
JPH_INLINE void operator delete[] (void *inPointer, std::align_val_t inAlignment) noexcept { JPH::AlignedFree(inPointer); }
Macro to override the new and delete functions.